Destination Experiences Institute of Travel Consultant

The Institution that brings practicality in teaching process

Why Us

There has always been an unabridged gap between what is taught through text books and what one faces when working practically in office. Our course content has been made, keeping in mind the practical scenario of actual working conditions and environment.

With real life scenarios like mock sessions with customers, mock email exchanges with suppliers, colleagues, Virtual Reality Google Earth Street Views, lectures from Industry Experts, huge video and destination knowhow library and an objective way of testing skills, we have taken teaching to another level. making it fun, interactive, immersive and interesting so that it imbibes a passion within the students to catch up with the methodology and evolve into a professional rather than become a professional.


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Our Mission

Our Mission is to bring about a change in the travel and tourism sector which is desperately seeking quality skilled staff.

Many a times, a few months are wasted, few customers are lost and even few losses may be incurred during the transition phase of an employee from being a fresher on probation, to being a confirmed employee, having proved his / her capability.

We want to bring this transition period down to the least possible time and thus play our role in benefiting the travel and tourism industry.

Outbound Tourism Industry in India

India is now one of the fastest growing outbound tourism markets in the world, second only to China. The United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) estimates that India will account for 50 million outbound tourists by 2020. Despite the slowdown due to rupee fluctuations, the Indian outbound numbers have been growing at an average annual growth rate of 10-12% over the last seven years. The market for travel and tourism in India is expected to grow at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 7.23% during 2016-2021 and the Indian Outbound Tourism Market is estimated to surpass 42 Billion USD by 2024.*

Large / medium and even small sized travel organisations are substantially investing in procuring quality frontline workforce, thus creating more jobs. In the long term, the outbound travel job offers many opportunities to travel all over the world and meet people from different corners of the globe.

+91 9051665169


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Very often, understanding the psyche of the customer is not given importance. With so many options available for the customers in the market like, online portals, seasoned travel agents and tour operators, what would make customers stick to an agent as their only hope of providing excellent guidance and planning to all their travel needs.

For this, the agent must transform his role from being just a mere sales person, to a proper consultant who can give valuable advice.

The consultant needs to gain a better understanding of how their clients live their lives and how they interact with the world around them. A deeper appreciation of a customer’s longing for an authentic experience is required. One has to understand the great emotional investment customers make in their vacation, where so much reward is expected in return.

A consultant's emotional intelligence is a huge asset that allows him / her to emotionally connect with the customer.

All it takes is giving the customer time and full undivided attention and changing the conversation from simply answering queries to providing a bouquet of solutions / destination knowhow / suggestions to enhance the destination's experience of the client. This flips the conversation from selling to buying.

Being a travel consultant can open a dearth of opportunities like more qualified leads, higher closure rate, higher spend per customer and greater loyalty over time.

We'll help you in all possible ways